Nicola Peck

Counsellor in South Molton

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Life isn't always smooth or goes to plan


"He has not learned the lesson of life who does not every day surmount a fear" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

At times it can be beneficial to talk to someone who initially doesn't know us at all; someone unconnected with our life. Someone who has no prior knowledge of us who can meet us as we are in the moment. Someone who can listen and explore with us how we feel and think, to help us gain some deeper understanding of the origins of these feelings, thoughts or behaviours.

I provide a non-judgmental, calm space to explore your inner-most feelings and thoughts. Rarely in our busy 21st century lives do we have the opportunity to have someone listening to us 100%, with no agenda of their own, and who can explore with us our motivations, reasoning and personal resources with no fear of being judged. Being heard is empowering!

I'm that sounding-board for you to express feelings, thoughts and memories that you may not have been brave enough to explore previously. Feelings and memories from childhood that have influenced how you live your life today and how you will live on into your future. In exploring how you feel, you can increase your understanding of those feelings and work towards any changes in order to become more comfortable with who you are and what you wish to achieve in your life.

Some examples of what previous clients have worked on:

• Relationship difficulties or break-up
• Family relationships
• Bereavement, loss and grief
• Serious illness
• Low self-confidence and/or self-esteem
• Low mood or depression
• Anxiety (general or specific)
• Feelings of being out of control
• Stress or distress
• Financial stress
• Panic attacks
• Domestic abuse or neglect
• Phobias
• Bullying at work
• Anger management
• Job or work loss, change or redundancy
• Trauma

Would you like to know more about what to expect or how we can work together?

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